No, the R-Zone policy applies to all community organizations and individuals who are using or visiting a Municipality of Kincardine facility or program. This includes community centres, parks, and recreational facilities, as well as participation in programming.
The Municipality of Kincardine will exercise no tolerance for any form of violence, vandalism, or inappropriate behaviour in its programs, facilities, or properties.
That's why, like many of our fellow municipalities, we've adopted the R-Zone Policy - Respect and Responsibility with the goal of improving the safety and environment of our community.
What is the R-Zone Policy?
The goal of this policy is to promote a positive, safe, enjoyable, and supportive environment for all users and staff in Municipality of Kincardine recreational programs, facilities, or properties.

What does R-Zone Mean?
The "R" in the logo represents "respect and responsibility":
Respect for yourself
Respect for others
Responsibility for all actions
Making an R-Zone Incident Report
If you are involved in or witness an incident within our facilities, please report it immediately to our staff. They'll follow up with appropriate procedures and complete an incident report with your assistance.
If the situation occurs where there is no staff present (at an outdoor field, for example) and a community organization is involved, please advise them directly so they can report it.
If you become aware of an incident after leaving the facility, you can use our online R-Zone Incident Report to let us know. We recommend doing so within 24-hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the frequently asked questions about the R-Zone policy. If you have any that aren't answered on this page, please e-mail us or give us a call at 519-396-3491.
Does the R-Zone only apply to sports organizations?
What types of things can or should be reported?
No form of violence, vandalism, or inappropriate behaviour is acceptable on Municipality of Kincardine properties, or in our facilities or programs.
Examples of what should be reported include:
- Verbal assault including threats or agression
- Harassment
- Unauthorized use of alcohol and/or drugs
- Physical assault and/or harm
- Vandalism
- Theft
Is my identity kept confidential if I make a report?
Yes, your identity is kept confidential in accordance with the Municipality's privacy information policy.
What's the process after a report has been made?
Whether the report is made in person, through an organization, or through our online form, it will be logged by municipal staff.
It will either be dealt with directly by the Municipality of Kincardine or forwarded on to the appropriate group/organization for follow-up.
Does the Municipality follow-up on every incident?
Not necessarily. The R-Zone policy requires each organization to take responsibility for situations created by or that affect their participants in cooperation with the Municipality of Kincardine.
This means, that in some cases, the follow-up will come from the community group or organization, and other times from the Municipality.
Each report is received and reviewed on an individual basis where the response and/or discipline is determined by the severity of the situation.
Contact Us
The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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