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Boards and Committees

A good part of why our community is so amazing is because of the commitment of those who choose to make a difference. One of the ways that you can contribute your time is by sitting as a member on one of our committees. 

Recruitment, selection, and term of appointment

Committee recruitment is done with each new term of council or when a vacancy becomes available. All appointments are made by Council and after they're finalized by the passing of a by-law, the Municipal Clerk notifies all applicants of Council's decision.

The term of appointment, unless otherwise legislated, coincides with the existing term of Council who appointed them.

Current Opportunities

Interested citizens should meet the following criteria to apply for a board or committee vacancy:

  • Be a qualified elector in the Municipality of Kincardine
  • Previous experience on a board or a committee is an advantage
  • An interest in the committee area is an advantage
  • Available to attend at least one meeting per month

The Municipality of Kincardine is inviting property owners or their chosen nominee to join the Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management. 

To be considered for this positions, eligible candidates must be a property owner who pays the BIA levy, or their nominee. In the application, you must specify if you are the property owner who pays the BIA levy or a nominee of that property owner. If you are a nominee of the property owner, please provide a letter from the property owner stating that you are a nominee.

To learn more about what the BIA does, please visit the Lakeside Downtown Kincardine BIA's webpage.

Apply by 4 p.m. Friday, March 28, 2025.

Municipal Boards and Committees

Committee members can attend meetings electronically, where possible.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee provides advice to Council on municipal services and buildings to maximize accessibility. This committee is required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Meeting schedule

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets on the third or fourth Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. 

Details, agendas, and minutes may be viewed on the Municipal Calendar.

Committee composition

  • The committee is comprised of six public members (at least 50% with disabilities) and one Council member, each having an equal vote.

Municipal staff members

  • Deputy Clerk

The role in the community of the Lakeside Downtown Kincardine Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board is defined by seven building blocks:

  • Encouraging community involvement and ownership
  • Preserving and enhancing downtown character
  • Ensuring economic vitality
  • Promoting downtown assets
  • Getting into and around downtown
  • Living downtown
  • Keeping downtown safe

For more information about the BIA, visit their website or e-mail the BIA Downtown Development Manager.

Meeting schedule

The Lakeside Downtown Kincardine Business Improvement Area Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month.

Details, agendas, and minutes may be viewed on the Municipal Calendar.

Municipal staff members

  • Community Economic Development Coordinator

The Committee of Adjustment is a statutory tribunal with authority delegated to it by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine under the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act.

The purpose of this Committee is to hold public hearings to make decisions on Minor Variance Applications submitted pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act.

The Committee operates independently from Council and its decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

Meeting schedule

The committee meets on an as-needed basis to address applications.

Details, agendas, and minutes may be viewed on the Municipal Calendar.

Committee composition

  • The committee is comprised of all members of Council, each having an equal vote.

The Compliance Audit Committee considers applications for an audit of a candidate's or registered third party's municipal election campaign finances.

The committee is also responsible for:

  • reviewing the Clerk's reports filed with the Committee
  • appointing an auditor to conduct the audit if the Committee approves the application
  • reviewing the auditor's report
  • determining whether legal proceedings are appropriate if auditor's report concludes candidate or registered third party contravened election campaign finances provision

The Heritage Committee is a municipal heritage committee under the Ontario Heritage Act that provides advice to Council on the identification and preservation of built structures, historical artifacts, ruins, and lands of cultural historical significance or historical value including heritage designations.

Meeting schedule

The Heritage Committee meets at the call of the chair in addition to scheduled meetings.

Details, agendas, and minutes may be viewed on the Municipal Calendar.

Committee composition

  • The committee is comprised of five public members and one Council member.

Municipal staff members

  • Deputy Clerk

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

The meetings, agendas, and minutes for municipal board and committee meetings are available on the Municipal Calendar.

Municipal Calendar

Representation on other Boards and Committees

Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling Association

Councillor Jennifer Prenger

Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit (SMART) Board

Councillor Mike Hinchberger

Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority

Councillor Bill Stewart and Councillor Jennifer Prenger

South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Board

Councillor Rory Cavanagh

Westario Power

Councillor Mike Hinchberger

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