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Community Improvement Plan

The Municipality of Kincardine's new Community Improvement Plan (CIP) helps to attract investment and foster economic growth in the community.

Developing a CIP

A CIP is a planning and economic development tool that municipalities may use to facilitate broad community revitalization goals through grants or loans to private property owners and tenants.

The new Community Improvement Plan allows the municipality to provide a range of incentives to promote and support the following types of development and revitalization projects aligned with many of the priorities at the County and Municipal level, including:

  • Downtown revitalization of store fronts and streetscapes; reduction of vacant storefronts;
  • Increase affordable/attainable housing stock in the Municipality;
  • Promote the development of vacant or underutilized properties and encourage/attract investment;
  • Increase agricultural value-add, agri-tourism, and facility improvement projects.

Each year the Municipality will select the priority area(s) of focus with the applicable incentives and allocated specific municipal funding to support the program. Note that not all incentives and priorities in the CIP will be implemented each year.

The new CIP was developed through a series of community consultations including an open house, an online survey, and, finally, a statutory public meeting.

The meeting was held on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 at 5 p.m. in the council chambers of the Municipal Administration Centre to consider a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) update pursuant to provisions under Section 28(4) of the Planning Act.

A notice of Notice of Decision resulting from that meeting was issued as required.

CIP Areas and Funding

The CIP applies to all lands within the Municipality of Kincardine, with focused zones for downtown Kincardine and Tiverton.

The Municipality of Kincardine provides funding and works cooperatively with Bruce County to create opportunities for commercial properties in the CIP areas. Bruce County administers this funding through their Spruce the Bruce grant programming.

Spruce the Bruce funding opens on February 1st, 2025!

Downtown Kincardine's CIP Area

Commercial properties within the area designated on Kincardine's CIP area map may be eligible for specific funding opportunities.

Kincardine CIP Area map.

Downtown Tiverton's CIP Area

Commercial properties within the area designated on Tiverton's CIP area map may be eligible for specific funding opportunities.

Tiverton CIP Area map.

Grants available for eligible municipalities, community partners, not-for-profits and charitable organizations

For more information

For more information on the CIP and to learn about available grants and loans, please e-mail us or call 519-396-3468.

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