Official Plan
The Municipality of Kincardine's Official Plan is a guide intended to give direction to the physical development land of the Municipality spanning over 20 years. It regulates the settlement areas including Kincardine, Tiverton, and the lakeshore area.
The rural areas of the Municipality are regulated under Bruce County's Official Plan.
The purpose of the Official Plan is to guide future development of land within the Municipality of Kincardine.
The Official Plan determines:
- Where new housing, industry, and commercial areas will be located
- What services such as roads, water, and sewers will be needed
- When parts of the community will grow
Official Plan, Amendments, and Mapping
Contact Us
The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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