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Zoning and Severances

Our Zoning By-law is a legal document that regulates the use of land within the municipality. This By-Law is not a live document and may not contain all recently updated changes and amendments, so please contact development services by e-mail or at 519-396-3468 for updates and zoning inquiries.

Bruce County's Zoning Maps also give you a complete overview of the Municipality's different zones.

Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Update

The Municipality of Kincardine is working with MHBC Planning to update the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law.


The zoning by-law regulates, among other things:

  • What each parcel of land can be used for (permitted uses);
  • Where and what types of buildings or structures may be located on the land; and
  • Lot sizes, parking lots, building heights and setbacks.

Ontario's Bill 23 has created new opportunities for additional residential units which are not yet reflected in the zoning by-law. Find out more in this Explanatory Note to Bill 23 – Accessory Residential Units. Please contact the Building Department at 519-396-3468 for permitting requirements to create an Accessory Residential Unit or Secondary Suite.

General information is also available on our Building and Renovating webpage.

The zoning by-law classifies properties into several categories such as but not limited to:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • Environmentally Protected

Each zone has specific provisions regarding the use of land is that zone. Such as but not limited to:

  • Permitted uses
  • Location of buildings on property
  • Set backs, frontage, maximum lot coverage, maximum height etc.
  • Parking requirements
  • Driveway requirements

Zoning By-Law Amendments

If you would like to use or develop your property in a way that is not a permitted use as per the Zoning By-law a zoning amendment may be required. Please contact the building department to check if your proposal requires a zoning change before applying. Municipal Council is the approval authority for zoning by-law amendments.

Apply for a Zoning Amendment

Applications for zoning by-law amendments are coordinated through the Bruce County Planning department.

Active Zoning Amendment Files

Visit the Bruce County Planning website for active planning files.

Consent or Severance

Consent or severances are planning processes regarding the division of land. There are several types of consent applications. The most common include:

  • Lot creation (severance)
  • Lot addition
  • Easement (right-of-way)

If you would like to develop property that involves lot creation (severance), lot addition, or easement please contact us by e-mail or at 519-396-3468 to set up a consultation with the County Planner. The County of Bruce is the approval authority for consent applications.

Apply for a Consent

Consent applications are coordinated through the Bruce County Planning department.

Active Consent Amendment Files

Visit the Bruce County Planning website for active consent files.

Minor Variance

A minor variance is relief from the terms of the Zoning By-Law and may be needed when a proposed use or structure do not conform exactly. Please contact the building department by e-mail or at 519-396-3468 to check if you need a minor variance.

Applications for minor variance are coordinated through the Bruce County Planning Department. You can also view active planning files.

When a minor variance is required

Examples include:

  • New construction cannot meet the zoning by-law
  • Zoning by-law minimums cannot be met such as lot frontage, lot area, or setbacks
  • An addition is proposed for a legal non-complying building

Four considerations for a minor variance:

  • Is the application minor?
  • Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question?
  • Does the application conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law?
  • Does the application conform to the general intent of the Official Plan?

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