Pride in our Community
The Municipality of Kincardine works to be a community where everyone is welcome and each may celebrate their own gender identity and gender expression in a safe and inclusive way.
Kincardine Pride is the local not-for-profit organization who's vision includes helping our community realize it's ability to be a healthy, diverse, affirming community for those who are Two-Spirit and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer, intersex, asexual, and other gender-diversities.
The annual Pride parade is celebrated in June during Pride Month with this year's event planned for June 22nd, 2024.
Pride month celebrations were born from the Stonewall Riots of late June 1969. One year late, in June 1970, Stonewall rioters organized a march to Central Park in support of “Gay Pride”, building on the spirit of resistance built through the riots. The march expanded to other cities and grew in popularity throughout the 1970s.
Ever wonder what the 2S in LGBTQ2S+?
Two Spirit (2S) is an English umbrella term to reflect and restore Indigenous traditions forcefully suppressed by colonization, honouring the fluid and diverse nature of gender and attraction and its connection to community and spirituality. It is used by some Indigenous People rather than, or in addition to, identifying as LGBTQI.
Watch this video produced by Egale, an organization with a mission to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQI people in Canada and to enhance the global response.

What is the Rainbow Registered Program?
The Municipality of Kincardine will be hosting an upcoming information session for businesses and organizations to learn more about becoming Rainbow Registered.
Presented by Canada's 2SLGBTQI+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC)+ in partnership with the Municipality of Kincardine and Kincardine Pride, this session will help businesses and organizations learn about the Rainbow Registered program.
Rainbow Registered is an accreditation program for businesses and organizations that are committed to providing a safe, inclusive space for 2SLGBTQI+ people to visit, work, live and feast.
Businesses will be assessed based on their policies and practices, training, commitment to inclusive leadership, and culture of inclusivity, with those meeting the program standards being accredited and receiving access to a wide range of program benefits.
Municipality of Kincardine businesses who attend have an opportunity to have their accreditation fee and first year program fees covered by the Municipality of Kincardine by entering a draw. Details will be provided at the end of the session. All are welcome to join and learn.
There is no cost for this session, so community partners, municipal teams, not for profits or other groups interested in learning about the program are more than welcome to attend.
Register to join the online webinar to learn more!
June 27, 2024 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Contact us by e-mail or phone at 519-389-1857 with any questions you may have.
Contact Us
The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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