Municipality of Kincardine
Council Highlights - March 12, 2025
The Municipality of Kincardine Council Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 1475 Concession 5, RR #5 Kincardine at 5:00 p.m.
Visit the Agenda to see what Council considered or watch the meeting on our YouTube Channel.
Highlights from the meeting include:
FADS Deviation – Tiverton Sports Centre Concession Booth Report
As part of the 2025 Capital Budget, staff developed plans to construct an accessible FADs compliant universal washroom in the Tiverton Sports Centre. As part of the construction plans, the existing concession booth will be reduced, and existing cabinetry re-oriented to accommodate the washroom installation. As such, the concession booth will not comply with the FADs accessibility requirements for kitchen spaces. Council approved the exemption from the FADS requirements for the concession booth at the Tiverton Sports Centre, to accommodate a new accessible, universal washroom.
Request for International Travel Support to IAEA Event Report
Council approved the attendance of Mayor Kenneth Craig to attend the “Nuclear Communities and Mayors in Focus” event during the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Conference on Stakeholder Engagement for Nuclear Power Programmes on May 27, 2025, in Vienna, Austria. IAEA Website
Integrated Strategy Progress Report
This report provided highlights the significant work accomplished in the Integrated Strategy including significant projects that were directed by Council in 2024.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Municipality of Kincardine Council Meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Wednesday March 26th, 2025. This meeting will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre, 1475 Concession 5, RR #5 Kincardine.
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The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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