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Council Info- August 14, 2023

The following is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council and Committee of the Whole on August 14, 2023. Please refer to the websitefor the complete and official records of the meeting including consent agenda items, motions of Council, communications, detailed reports, and attachments. 

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·      Council meeting

Amendment Zoning By-law 2003-25, PLAN 10 PARK PT LOT 1, Municipality of Kincardine (Hunter) By-law

The Bruce County Planner explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

The “Amendment Zoning By-law 2003-25, PLAN 10 PARK PT LOT 1, Municipality of Kincardine (Hunter) By-law” was approved.  

Amendment to Zoning By-law 2003-25, Con 1 NDR Lot 11 To 12 [Stewart] By-law

The Bruce County Planner explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Council approved the “Amendment to Zoning By-law 2003-25, Con 1 NDR Lot 11 To 12 [Stewart] By-law”.

Consideration of Motions

Increase of Licensed Child Care Spaces Motion

This item was added for Council's consideration from the August 09, 2023, Consent Agenda.

Council supported the resolution from the Council of the Town of Petroliaof June 26, 2023 recommending amendments to the current regulations for licensed homebased childcare operators to increase allowable spaces. A copy of this resolution be forwarded to Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, Honourable Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community & Social Services, MPP Lisa Thompson, MP Ben Lobb, and the Municipalities of Ontario.


Call for Housing and Protection of Water Resources Motion

This item was added for Council's consideration from the August 09, 2023 Consent Agenda.


Council supported the Town of Parry Sound’s Resolution No. 2023-087dated June 20, 2023, and the Township the Archipelago' s Resolution of June 2023 Responding to Ontario Bill 23 (More Homes Built Faster Act) – Protecting Our Natural Capital While Addressing the Housing Crisis submitted to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative.


The Right to Repair Movement Motion

This item was added for Council's consideration from the August 09, 2023 Consent Agenda.


Council supported the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s Resolution 2023-199  passed on June 6, 2023 endorsing the right-to-repair movement.


Consideration of By-laws


Municipality of Kincardine Procedural By-law

Every Municipality in Ontario is required to have a Procedural By-lawthat is a set structure that guides how Council and Committee meetings will be conducted. The Procedural By-law incorporates comments from both Council and Staff as well as best practices from municipalities across Ontario. Council participated in a mock council meeting on July 24, 2023, to test out the new Procedural By-law process in a meeting setting and provided additional feedback. Once the Procedure By-law has been approved it will inform creation of other items highlighted in the Governance Review including the creation of a new staff report template (R15), standardized committee terms of reference (R13, R19), and the Advisory Committee of Council Public Appointment Policy (R17).


Council approved the “Municipality of Kincardine Procedural By-law.”


Sign By-law Amendment (8) By-law

Council directed staff to review potential revenue generating opportunities through advertising and sponsorship sources within municipal parks and facilities. Staff have been reviewing multiple avenues that could increase potential revenue. The Advertising and Partnership Program is being considered to ensure a fulsome approach in ensuring the Municipality is providing opportunities for businesses and groups to advertise, while at the same time providing a proven successful program that operates in many facilities within our region.


Council approved the “Sign By-law Amendment (8) By-law.” 


2023 Consolidated Rates and Fees Amendment (6) By-law

Council approved the “2023 Consolidated Rates and Fees Amendment (6) By-law.” 


Mystic Cove – Follow Up, Operations-2023-18

This report is a follow up to report Operations-2023-14 Mystic Cove Gate. Staff are now requesting direction to move forward with the recommendations as detailed in the report.


Council directed staff to amend By-law No. 2011-068 to permit the opening of the Mystic Cove gate from December 1 through February 28 annually.


Council repealed Policy TP 3.1 – Emergency Access to The Bruce Nuclear Power Development. Council also directed staff to no longer provide maintenance on Bruce County Road 23 and let the existing agreement lapse.


Road Allowance Repair Policy, Operations-2023-16

Operations staff receive a number of calls for service for repairs to damaged sod on municipal road allowance as a result of winter operations.

This report proposes the adoption of a Road Allowance Repair policy to serve as a general guide for both the public and staff.


Council approved the Road Allowance Repair Policyas detailed in Report Operations-2023-16.


Safety Measures Highway 21- KTTPS Update, Operations-2023-15

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the motion passed on January 9th, 2023. “Council request staff provide a report on how to advocate for increased safety measures to cover the portions of Highway 21 to the north and south of Kincardine Tiverton Township Public School, including applying for a community safety zone, lowered speed limits during beginning/end of school day, and improved turning infrastructure in the area” and as a follow up to staff Report No. OPS 2023-08 (attached) presented to Council on April 12th, 2023.

Staff have received follow up from the MTO and are suggesting that a traffic study be completed to understand if the warrants exist to see a left turn lane constructed in this area.


Council directed staff to pursue a traffic study in the area of Highway 21 and KTTPS in 2023; and that the cost of the traffic study of approximately $5,000 be funded through the 2023 operating budget.


Council also directed staff to request a speed reduction on Highway 21 from south of Bruce Ave through to the North Line Ext. to the Ministry of Transportation and Members of Provincial Parliament.


Council also directed staff to proceed with the application process to identify this area as a community safety zone in parallel with the traffic study. 


Supply and Delivery of Various Fuel Products, Operations-2023-17

The current supply and delivery of various fuel products contract for the Municipality of Kincardine (MoK) expires on September 21, 2023. The Municipality of Kincardine partnered with the County of Bruce in the Request for Tender (RFT) process for a new multi-year contract for the supply and delivery of the MoK’s various fuel requirements. The RFT closed on July 11, 2023, with McDougall Energy Inc. as the lowest bidder for the MoK.


Council awarded the supply and delivery of the various fuels tender contract to the low bidder MacDougall Energy Inc. as per report Operations-2023-17.


Award Water Meter Proposal, Environmental Services-2023-34

The Environmental Services Department recommended the replacement of aging water meters and associated equipment in the 2023 Capital Budget. A Request for Proposal was issued to vendors for review and to determine a solution for installation of this project.


Council accepted the recommendation to award a contract to KTI Limited with a total value of $507,500 for the replacement of water meters and associated equipment.


Holding Removal By-law – Kelden Development Inc., Development Services-2023-26

A request for removal of a Holding provision from the referenced parcel of land, commonly known as 1182 Queen St. has been received from the owner, Kelden Development Inc. (c/o Dale Walden). The proposed development consists of mixed density, single storey townhouse blocks ranging from 3-5 units per block. A total of 45 units are proposed within the development. Staff are working in parallel with Keldon to complete and execute a Site Plan Agreement for the site that will be registered on title. The agreement is required prior to the removal of the holding and staff are requesting that Council support this conditionally to ensure the development isn’t stalled as we advance into the fall season.


Council passed a By-law for the removal of the Holding “H” provision from FIRSTLY:PART PARK LOT 2 PLAN 10, PART 1 3R8384; SECONDLY PART PARK LOT 3 PLAN 10, PARTS 1,2, AND 3 3R10465; MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE; and it is conditional upon execution of a Site Plan Agreement that has been registered on title with Kelden Development Inc.


HR Policy Updates, Human Resources-2023-06

This report shares the path forward to replace the Tripartite Agreement and formalizes the approach to creating individual HR Policies and HR operating procedures moving forward. This report seeks approval of the Employment Policy and the Compensation & Benefits Policy from Council.


Council approved HR.01 - Employment Policy  and  HR.03 - Compensation & Benefits Policy as amended to note that the Policy does not include the Volunteer Firefighters.


Information Reports


Environmental Services Compliance Report July 2023, Environmental Services-2023-33

To inform Council of any compliance related issues and general information from the Environmental Services Department for the month of July 2023.


Birchwood Report

Gregory Stewart, Donnelly Murphy Lawyers PC, provided an update to the letter presented to Council on June 19, 2023 regarding various Birchwood issues.


Closed Session

Mayor Craig reported that a closed session was held for the purpose of considering litigation or potential litigation, including matter before administrative tribunals (Legal Matter), pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. Direction was provided to Staff in the closed session regarding the legal matter.


Contact Us

The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288

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