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Council Info August 9, 2023

The following is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council and Committee of the Whole on August 9, 2023. Please refer to the website for the complete and official records of the meeting including consent agenda items, motions of Council, communications, detailed reports, and attachments.

 You can watch Council meetings live on Rogers TV Channel 6, on demand at, or stream here. Council is also broadcasted live on Bruce Telecom TV.

(Note: if there is a technical interruption during the live stream you may find meetings on YouTube).

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Consideration of By-laws

Advertising and Revenue Generation Policy By-law

By-law 2023 - 117 was deferred from the July 10th, 2023 Council Meeting. Council approved the “Advertising and Revenue Generation Policy By-law” at tonight’s meeting.


2023 Taxation Amendment (1) By-law

The amendment to the 2023 Taxation By-law is an administration amendment only, to update By-law 2023 - 039 to include omitted realty tax class/codes that were missed being listed. The amendment to the Tax Rate By-law was approved by Council. 



Friends of the Kincardine Pavilion Group

Barb Fisher and Gary Gurbin from Friends of the Kincardine Pavilion Group provided an update to the Council as part of Council's external partner orientation.



Facility Accessibility Design Standards (FADS), Legislative Services-2023-16

In 2005, the Municipality of Kincardine passed a resolution, to adopt the London Facility Accessibility Design Standards (FADS), as amended from time to time, as a GUIDE where technically and economically feasible to do so. Since that time, the FADS have grown substantially, and the Accessibility Advisory Committee would like Council’s re-commitment to use the FADS as a Municipal Standard, when preparing work plans and budgets on Municipal facilities.

Council adopted the City of London’s Facility Accessibility Design Standard for municipally-owned facilities to help support and achieve the goals of accessibility and inclusion; and that Council may opt not to follow the Facility Accessibility Design Standard if it is not technically and economically feasible to do so. 

Draft Procedural By-law, Legislative Services-2023-19

Every Municipality in Ontario is required to have a Procedural By-law that is a set structure that guides how Council and Committee meetings will be conducted.

The intent of this report is to provide Council will the final draft of the proposed Procedure By-law for any comments before final consideration at the August 14, 2023 Council meeting. The attached draft incorporates Council comments on the initial draft provided at the July 5, 2023, meeting and comments from the mock meeting held on July 24, 2023.

Council will consider this at the August 14, 2023, meeting.

Advertising and Partnership Program, Recreation and Community Programs-2023-12

Council directed staff to review potential revenue generating opportunities through advertising and sponsorship sources within municipal parks and facilities. Staff have been reviewing multiple avenues that could increase potential revenue.

That Committee of Whole recommend that Council approve the Advertising and Partnership Program for the purposes of revenue generating opportunities; and a by-law amendment of Sign By-law be approved to permit signs in open space for the purposes of erecting signs on existing fences within active and passive parks for the purposes of the Advertising and Partnership Program and that the Fees and Charges By-law No. 2023-116 reflect the additional fees reflected in the Advertising and Partnership Program.

Council will consider this at the August 14, 2023, Council meeting.

Concession Services Lease Agreement, Recreation and Community Programs-2023-11

Staff are seeking approval to award Saba Umar as the preferred bid for the operation of the concession booths at the Davidson Centre and the Tiverton Sports Centre, for a one year agreement.

Council passed a by-law to authorize a one (1) year Lease Agreement, with the option to renew for a further 5 years, between the Municipality of Kincardine and Saba Umar for the management and operation of concession services at the Davidson Centre and the Tiverton Sports Centre.

Connaught Park Inground Irrigation System Contract, Parks Facilities-2023-16

The Municipality of Kincardine issued Request for Quotation (RFQ) #CS-2023-06 on March 29, 2023, being a request for quotations for the supply and installation of the irrigation at Connaught Park in Kincardine.

The RFQ closed on April 18, 2023. There were 0 bids received by the Municipality. Due to this outcome, Staff followed the procurement policy process and requested a non-competitive bid process with one submission. Staff are recommending the award of the contract to Raintree Irrigation & Outdoor Systems.

Council awarded the Inground Irrigation for Connaught Park to Raintree Irrigation & Outdoor Systems in the amount of $131,500.00 plus HST; and that the cost overage of $11,500 plus HST be funded from the Lifecycle Reserve Fund, using the cost savings realized from the Arts Gallery Roof Replacement project (#9572).

Kincardine Bulldogs Agreement, Parks Facilities-2023-15

Staff are recommending that Council approve a five-year lease agreement with the Kincardine Bulldogs, for the purposes of outlining the responsibilities of the Municipality as well as the Kincardine Bulldogs as it pertains to the operations within the Davidson Centre. Council approved the Kincardine Bulldogs Agreement for a five-year term.

Bright Beginnings Child Care Lease Agreement, -2023-24

Bright Beginnings Child Care have been renting the Tiverton Sports Centre and staff would like to formalize the arrangement. Staff is seeking approval for a five-year lease agreement with Bright Beginnings Child Care for rental space at the Tiverton Sports Centre.

Council entered into a five-year lease agreement with Bright Beginnings Child Care for rental space at the Tiverton Sports Centre.

Consent Agenda

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.


Statistical and Information Reports


Building Services, June 2023


2023 6-Month Financial Report, Financial Services-2023-22

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the financial status of the Municipality and current capital projects as of June 30, 2023.


F.P.P.A. - Mandatory Firefighter Certification, Emergency Services-2023-04

To inform Council of recent changes to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and how it impacts fire services within the Municipality of Kincardine.



Contact Us

The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288

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