Council Info September 27, 2023
The following is a summary of major discussion items presented at Council on September 27, 2023. Please refer to the website for the complete and official records of the meeting including consent agenda items, motions of Council, communications, detailed reports, and attachments.
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Council meeting
Land acknowledgement
Councillor Kennedy opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement and acknowledged that September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which was selected to coincide with the Orange Shirt Day which began in 2013.
The National day for Truth and Reconciliation is one time in the year to join with others across Canada to honour the children who survived the Residential Schools and remember those who did not.
During this week until October 1st, the Municipality has provided posters, stickers and learning resources for people to pick up at the:
- Davidson Centre
- Underwood Community Centre
- Tiverton Sports Centre
- Municipal Administration Centre
Also, the National Center for Truth and Reconciliation is offering free webinars all this week at 1:30 EST.
The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, points to education as the key to reconciliation, stating, “Education got us into this mess and education will get us out of it.”
The Municipality of Kincardine is also flying the Survivors’ Flag at both the Davidson Centre and at Tiverton’s Fire station from September 15th to October 2nd.
The Survivors’ Flag, created through the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, is an expression of remembrance, for residential school survivors as well as all the lives and communities impacted by the residential school system in Canada.
Municipal buildings will also lower Canadian flags and the Survivor Flags to half mast from September 30th to October 2nd, honouring those lost, survivors, families, and communities who continue to grieve.
The Municipality of Kincardine is committed to meaningful actions that create pathways towards truth, healing and reconciliation with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, the Métis Nation of Ontario, and the Historic Saugeen Métis.
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional lands and treaty territory of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which includes the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation and the Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation whose ancestors were the first to inhabit, care for and live on this land.
We encourage everyone to find ways to learn about the legacy of the residential school system, to affirm that Every Child Matters, and to further commit to reconciliation.
Public Meeting
Applicant: Brian Gamble - 541 Concession 2
Planning Report: Z-2022-134
The Bruce County Planner explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.
Council considered the application and approved that the Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2022-134 for lands described as 541 Concession 2, being CON 2 PT LOT 22 RP 3R535 PT; PART 1 Municipality of Kincardine (Bruce Township) to permit an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) within the existing main dwelling.
The Municipality of Kincardine Council did not vote on the detached additional dwelling unit (ADU) as it was not approved by Bruce County for the following reasons:
- Does not meet the Minimum Distance Separation (MDS I) requirement.
- Could potentially impact livestock operations on the adjacent farm property.
- Does not conform to the Bruce County Official Plan.
Matters for Discussion and Direction
Staff Reports
2024 Budget Report, Financial Services-2023-23
In accordance with Budget Policy FIN.02, the Budget Plan Report provides preliminary budget information for Council’s awareness and lays out the key factors, assumptions and estimates that may impact the 2024 budget. The report requests Council’s approval to develop the draft 2024 operating budget using an economic wage increase of 3.3%, which represents the 12-month July CPI as per Policy HR.03.
The report also provides the 2024 Budget Survey results received from 241 respondents that participated in the survey.
Council received the 2024 Budget Plan Report for information.
Council approved the 2024 wage increase using the 12-month July CPI of 3.3% as per Compensation & Benefits Policy HR.03 and the 2024 budget be drafted to incorporate this economic increase accordingly.
Award Payroll RFP, Financial Services-2023-25
The Financial Services division identified the need to improve the current method of time reporting and payroll processing in the 2023 budget. The payroll system has been the same since 2003 and requires updates. Timesheets are an incredibly manual process and with the implementation of an online system, time and attendance can be properly tracked. A request for proposal (RFP) was issued in June 2023 and staff are recommending awarding the project to the highest-ranking bidder, UKG.
Once implemented, a new payroll system will reduce the overall time required for completing and approving timesheets and will improve reporting and decision making.
Council accepted the recommendation to award a contract to UKG with a total value of $211,850.00 for a time and attendance and payroll system.
Council Remuneration & Expense Policy, Financial Services-2023-24
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an updated Council Remuneration and Expense Policy that aligns with the Municipality’s existing policies, including the HR.03 Compensation and Benefits Policy. This policy stipulates that Council will receive an annual salary increase at the same Cost of Living rate as approved for municipal employees through the annual budget process.
Council adopted the draft Council Remuneration and Expense Policy as presented and repealed the former policy GG.1.9 Remuneration, Council & Others.
Review of Advisory Committees of Council and Recommended Ad-Hoc Committees, Legislative Services-2023-22
This report is to provide Council with an overview of the statutory committees of Council and working groups that currently exist in the Municipality and to provide a recommendation for ad-hoc committees based on what will advance the Strategic Objectives of the Integrated Strategy 2.0.
Council directed staff to bring back a report and terms of reference for the Strategic Plan Ad-Hoc Committee.
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Category 3 Apportioning Agreement, CAO General-2023-21
Staff recommended that Council approve the Draft Cost Apportioning Agreement for Category 3 programs and services between Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and the Municipality of Kincardine. Under section 21.2.1 of the Conservation Act, programs and services characterized as Category 3 require cost apportioning agreements with participating municipalities where financing (i.e. cost apportionment) is required by a participating municipality. The proposed agreement is for a five-year period with a renewal term of an additional five years.
Council approved the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority’s Draft Cost Apportioning Agreement with the Municipality of Kincardine for Category 3 programs and services as per Report CAO General-2023-21.
Municipality of Kincardine Emergency Response Plan, Emergency Services-2023-03
The existing municipal Emergency Response Plan was created in 1995. In 2006 it was revised to align with the provincial emergency management program structure. It again received minor revisions in 2016 and 2018. In 2022 staff identified the need to revise the plan to reflect changes in legislation, incident management command structures, and the Ministry that is responsible for emergency management in the province.
Council passed a by-law to adopt the 2023 Draft Municipality of Kincardine Emergency Response Plan as presented.
Municipal Act Sec. 357 and Sec. 358 Applications - Cancellation or Reduction in Property Taxes
Individuals making applications under Municipal Act S. 357 and S. 358 may make representation to Council and are to be afforded the opportunity to do so at this meeting.
Whereas S.357 and S.358 of the Municipal Act provides a process for property owners to apply for a cancellation, reduction, and refund of taxes under specific circumstances including but not limited to a change in the use of a property, demolition or fire, the property being substantially unusable for a period of at least 3 months or a gross and manifest error in the preparation of the assessment roll; and Whereas in the opinion of staff, the 8 write-offs (Appeal No. 2023-01 to 2023-05,and 2023-07 to 2023-09) meet the criteria set out in the Municipal Act. The total of the applications amounts to $10,034.17, with the municipal share being $5,691.12; Council approved the applications as provided.
Community Investment Grant Application
Policy LS.01 Community Investment Grant Policy sets out that requests for support for new projects only may be considered outside of the standard intake processes with applications to be submitted for review by the Community Investment Grant Evaluation Team who will make a recommendation to Council.
Tiverton and District Lions Club submitted a 2023 Community Investment Grant application. Council approved this 2023 Community Investment Grant application of $1,000 to the Tiverton and District Lions Club.
Consideration of By-laws
By-law Enforcement (James Special Services Inc.) Amendment (1) By-law
Municipality of Kincardine entered into an Agreement with James Special Services Inc. in 2021, for the Provision of By-law Enforcement for the Municipality of Kincardine. James Special Services Inc. has changed their company name to Municipal Support Services Inc., therefore an amendment to the By-law and Agreement is required. The contract and the level of services will remain the same.
Council approved this “By-law Enforcement (James Special Services Inc.) Amendment (1) By-law”
Merlin Simex Professional Counseling Associates Agreement (2023) By-law
Staff are recommending a 2 year Lease Agreement with Merlin Simex Professional Counseling Associates and the Municipality of Kincardine, for the rental of office space on the 2nd floor at the Municipal Administration Centre. Council approved the “Merlin Simex Professional Counseling Associates Agreement (2023) By-law”.
Consent Agenda
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.
Administrative Motions
Stephanie Tschirhart resignation from BIA
Council accepted, with regret, the resignation of Stephanie Tschirhart from the BIA; and extended best wishes to Stephanie Tschirhart in all her future endeavors; and declared the seat as vacant.
Statistical and Information Reports
These two items were pulled from the consent agenda for council discussion.
Trail Blazers Volunteer Program, Recreation and Community Programs-2023-13
The Municipality is looking for individuals that frequently use sections of our trails to volunteer to be Trail Blazers when they are out walking, hiking or biking. The role of the Trail Blazer volunteers are to identify any hazards or concerns on the trails and report them back to the Community Services department for evaluation and action where required. The presence of these volunteers will greatly enhance the quality and safety of our trails.
Tessa Gerlin - Tidman Subdivision
Note: Personal information has been removed for Privacy reasons.
Closed meeting
Council moved into closed meeting pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the
purpose of considering labour relations or employee negotiations (Fire Department Negotiations); and
for the purpose of considering a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Municipality or Local Board and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Bruce Telecom).
Council returned to regular open meeting upon completion.
Contact Us
The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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