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Notice of Master Plan

Municipality of Kincardine
Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan Update

Notice of Master Plan


The Municipality of Kincardine has updated the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan for the communities of Kincardine, Tiverton and Lakeshore area from Kincardine to Inverhuron. The Plan applies to the Kincardine Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems, the Tiverton Drinking Water System, the Bruce Energy Centre Wastewater System, and their corresponding service areas. The Master Plan identifies the future needs of the community, with respect to water and wastewater infrastructure, as it continues to grow and develop. The Master Plan will serve as a guide to strategize the continued provision of water and wastewater services, as well as provide a timeline for implementation of identified upgrades, expansions and modifications to existing infrastructure in the community. Projects for future implementation are identified within the Master Plan.


The Master Plan Update was conducted following Master Plan Approach 1 under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA), dated October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2023. This study incorporated Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process into the Master Plan. Following the completion of this Master Plan, the Municipality may proceed with the implementation of the projects identified as exempt from the MCEA process. Projects under the MCEA Schedule B and C will require additional study to fulfill requirements prior to implementation. The following projects are the preferred servicing solutions that require additional study:

Project: Kincardine Water Supply
Evaluate the feasibility of Bruce Power connecting to Kincardine System
MCEA Schedule: C
Timing: Currently underway as part of a separate MCEA process

Project: Tiverton Drinking Water System
Evaluate Alternatives to Increase Drinking Water System Capacity
MCEA Schedule: B
Timing: By 2026; Sooner if development status requires   

A digital copy of the Master Plan Update is available on the Municipality’s website ( Through this Notice, the Master Plan is being placed on the public record for a 30-day public review period ending: August 18, 2023. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to Lisa Courtney ( at B.M. Ross and Associates Limited, 62 North Street, Goderich ON N7A 2T4, (519)-524-2641.

A request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study or that conditions be imposed, only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other ground will not be considered. Requests should include the requester full name and contact information. Requests should also specify what kind of order is being requested, how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights and any information in support of the statements in the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to: Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor Toronto ON, M7A 2J3 ( and Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor Toronto ON, M4V 1P5 EAB ( Requests should also be copied to the Municipality of Kincardine by mail or email.

Adam Weishar, Director of Infrastructure and Development, Municipality of Kincardine
This Notice issued July 19, 2023

Contact Us

The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288

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