Marriage Licences
The Municipality of Kincardine issues Marriage Licences. They are issued Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
To schedule an appointment to obtain a marriage licence please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-396-3468 ext. 7112 or by email. An appointment is recommended to ensure authorized staff is available to meet with you.
For more information, please visit Getting Married page on the Service Ontario Website.
You must complete a Marriage Licence Application Form. It must be signed by both parties to the marriage. The original application must be provided at your appointment. Faxed or scanned forms are not acceptable.
Appointment requirements
At least one of the applicants must be present in order to obtain the Marriage Licence.
You must bring:
- the original application;
- the fee (cash, cheque or debit) $145;
- 2 pieces of government issued identification for each application.
One piece of identification must include your photo. Examples of government issued identification are:
- government issued birth certificate, including any change of name certificates;
- valid passport;
- record of immigrant landing;
- Canadian Citizenship Card;
- valid Driver's Licence.
We are unable to accept a Health Card as identification in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
If either applicant is divorced, please see the requirements for Marriage After Divorce.
If a person is 16 or 17 years of age, consent from both parents is required using Form 6 – Consent to Marriage – Sworn Affidavit. Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to be married. The Form 6, must be signed by both parents in front of the Clerk, at the time of the application.
Marriage after divorce
Canadian Divorce
Where an applicant has been divorced, and the divorce was granted in Canada, you will need to bring official proof of the divorce with you when you apply for the marriage licence. This can be the original or court-certified copy of one of three documents:
- the final decree;
- the final judgement;
- a certificate of divorce.
Out-of-country divorce
If you were divorced outside of Canada, you will need to provide certain documents to prove that you are no longer married. The government needs to validate these documents. This process can take up to 4 weeks. Please visit Service Ontario for details on what is required.
Issuance of Licence
The marriage licence will be issued at the appointment provided all documentation is complete.
You will be required to certify information under oath. If you do not understand or are not able to read English, you must bring an interpreter to assist you.
The marriage licence is valid only in the Province of Ontario and for a period of three months from the date of issue.
The issuer of the licence is responsible to ensure all requirements of the Marriage Act are fulfilled and has the authority to not issue a licence if warranted.
Marriage Certificate
You can order a marriage certificate online at Service Ontario or complete a Request for a Marriage Certificate and mail it to the address indicated on the form.
A marriage certificate is the legal record of a marriage. It lists the date and place of the marriage, and names of people who were married.
A record of solemnization is not the same as a marriage certificate.
Name change after marriage
For information on name changes after marriage please visit Service Ontario
Contact Us
The Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, R.R.
#5, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Phone: 519-396-3468
F.: 519-396-8288
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