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Ontario's Blue Box Transition

What it means for the Municipality of Kincardine

The Government of Ontario has introduced legislation changing how the materials you put in your blue box are managed and collected across the Province.

We'll be transitioning our blue box program, like all municipalities, by the end of December 2025 to a new collection model that aligns with these new Provincial rules.

Changes come into effect January 1st, 2026

Effective January 1st, 2026, Waste Management Canada, based out of Mount Forest, will become the new municipal provider for blue box collection services. Waste Management will be handling all calls about recycling services. They can be contacted through their Waste Management Customer Support webpage.

Waste Management has subcontracted Bruce Area Solid Waste and Recycling (BASWR) to continue blue box collection for the Municipality of Kincardine which should help with the transition process. 


Business and Tourism Sector Information Session

Our upcoming Business and Tourism Sector Information Session is an opportunity for you to learn more about Ontario's changes to the Blue Box Program. Join us:

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025
Location: Municipal Administration Centre in Council Chambers at1475 Concession 5, Kincardine
Time: 8 to 10 a.m.
Cost: Free
Reserve your spot today.

One of the featured presentations that morning is from Mark O'Leary, the Municipality's Manger of Environmental Services. He'll be on hand to talk about how we're transitioning our blue box program, like all municipalities, by the end of December 2025.

How will these Provincial changes affect the Municipality of Kincardine?

As of January 1st, 2026, residential properties should transition seamlessly, and we'll have more details about improved service and changes that may apply for curbside collection soon.

All multi-residential properties will become eligible for blue box pick-up throughout the province, even those who've previously had a private blue box collection. For new multi-residential properties that may open in 2025, they'll automatically be eligible for services and won't need to wait until January 1st, 2026.

More information about multi-residential properties and transitioning them into the municipal curbside blue box program will be shared as this project progresses.

For industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) locations, waste and recycling collection has never been a service mandated for municipalities in Ontario. The Municipality has provided this service to support our community, but with the new regulations, these properties are not considered eligible for recycling services.

These properties will be responsible for making alternative arrangements to have their recycling collected.

Frequently Asked Questions

The changes to the blue box program are impacting the Municipality of Kincardine and all other municipalities across the Province. Here's some more details and frequently asked questions (FAQs) that we'll keep adding to as the project evolves.

The Ontario government's introduction of Provincial legislation is why there are changes coming for the blue box program.

The Blue Box Regulation made under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act is a key part of the Province's Strategy for a Waste Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy.

Under this strategy and the act, all municipalities and First Nation communities across the province will move from the current system where costs are split between municipal taxpayers and producers of blue box materials, to a new system where producers are fully responsible for the cost and operation of system.

The Blue Box Regulation details in Part II who is considered a producer. Specifically, those who will no longer receive blue box services through this new change are industrial, commercial, and institutional properties. 

This means many businesses will be affected as the new system requires producers to be responsible for:

  • their own collection and recycling of blue box materials
  • reporting to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority
  • meeting increasing targets for materials they collect and recycle

By placing full financial, operational, and performance accountability for the blue box program on the producers of blue box materials, the Ontario government looks to create a direct incentive to reducing waste and improving recycling which will then decrease natural resource extraction and pollution, including greenhouse gases.

On January 1st, 2026, recycling programs across the Province will end, with the new program beginning. This is expected to be a seamless transition for residential properties.

A non-profit company called Circular Materials will be responsible for the collection of blue box materials from homes across Ontario, including the residential portion of mixed commercial and residential properties. 

Yes, there are some Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional properties that are exempt from the new regulations. They include:

  • Kindergarten to grade 12 schools
  • Non-profit retirement and long-term care facilities


If you have more questions, please reach out to our Environmental Services division by e-mail or at 519-396-4660.

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